Pantai Hospital Manjung's Accident & Emergency department is open 24 hours a day and is well-equipped to handle any trauma, medical, surgical, pediatric or obstetric emergencies. At the A&E, our dedicated team of doctors and nurses are specially trained to handle medical emergencies. Triaging is performed to evaluate every patient. Severe cases with life-threatening conditions will be our topmost priority, while the rest may need a 30-minute wait — depending on the number of patients there are at the of arrival.
In addition to having a team of emergency resident medical officers assessing and managing your case, a multidisciplinary team of specialists are also on call to attend to complex medical conditions.
The triage system is used to sort patients into categories to ensure those with urgent medical needs get help first. The assessment is based on how sick a patient is upon arrival at the emergency.
An overview of three category triage acuity systems:
Patients categorized under this category will be seen immediately as they are having life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction, diabetic acidosis in septic shock, severe acute respiratory illness with respiratory failure, trauma with intracranial bleed or intra-abdominal injury, etc.
Patients categorized under this category will be seen within 30 minutes (depending on how many patients present at A&E). Examples of Yellow Zone patients are dengue fever with warning signs, lung infection with respiratory distress, acute gastroenteritis with dehydration, etc.
Patients categorized under this category will be seen within 90 minutes (depending on how many patients present at A&E). Examples of green zone patients are acute gastroenteritis without dehydration, trauma patients with soft tissue injuries, patients presenting with rashes, upper respiratory infection without respiratory distress, etc.
Our hospital and emergency department are available to provide you with safe emergency and essential care. We are implementing the following safety guidelines in our hospitals, to make sure we safely care for you.
✔ | We have established close liaison with Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah and Hospital Seri Manjung for taking over the handling and care of all patients who are screened at our entrances with clinical risk and epidemiology risk relating to Covid-19 (“KKM PUI”). |
✔ | All patients/visitors are required to wear face mask and hand sanitization upon entry. |
✔ | We practice social distancing and all waiting areas are structured with spatial distancing (1 - 2 meters apart). |
✔ | We are extremely focused on keeping our facilities clean. All high touch areas are disinfected at least every 2 hours and frequent routine cleaning are carried out throughout the hospital. |
✔ | All front-line personnel and medical practitioners are on standard infectious precaution eg. PPE and hand hygiene. |
✔ | For patients who exhibit some suspicious trait of symptoms eg. influenza-like illness (ILI) or severe acute respiratory infection (SARI), we have separate designated team of medical practitioners and healthcare personnel who provide care and treatment to these patients in dedicated pathway and facility in our hospital until their etiology are confirmed through laboratory and radiological investigation. |