Knowing Your Heart
The human heart is a muscular organ, and it is the strongest muscle in our
body. Our heart is located in the centre of our chest, slightly underneath
and to the left of our breastbone (sternum) in the thoracic area. It is
protected by the ribcage.
As the main organ in the cardiovascular system and central part of the
circulatory system, our heart is an important organ. When our heart beats,
it pumps oxygenated blood throughout our body via blood vessels or the
circulatory system. In this way, oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other
vital substances are transported to every part of our body while carbon
dioxide and other metabolic wastes are removed from the blood.
What Does a Heart Specialist Treat?
According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the leading cause of death in
Malaysia is ischaemic heart disease, or heart disease caused by the narrowing of
arteries (also known as coronary artery disease).
This statistic highlights the importance of proper heart health in Malaysia. Equipped
with cutting-edge technology, the highly trained team of multidisciplinary heart
specialists at Pantai Hospitals can help to identify, treat, and manage
heart diseases.
Cardiovascular disease, or heart disease, refers to a range of cardiovascular conditions,
such as coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, heart rhythm problems, blood
vessel diseases, and heart defects. These conditions generally involve narrow or blocked
blood vessels, but they can also affect the heart's muscle, valves, or rhythm.

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Here are the top 10 cardiovascular conditions and diseases in
Frequently Asked Questions on Heart Disease