The heart, a vital organ in the cardiovascular and circulatory system, pumps oxygenated blood through blood vessels, delivering oxygen and essential nutrients while removing carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes from the body.
Pantai Hospital Ampang has an experienced and well-rounded team of cardiologists, nurses, technicians, and radiographers to attend to all your heart care needs.
We believe that prevention is better than cure – which is why our services include preventive care, early detection, diagnostics and treatments. Our team is also on 24-hour standby for emergency situations such as patients with acute heart attacks.
In addition, we aim to educate the public and raise awareness on the topics of heart diseases and risk factors. Our goal is not only to provide you with excellent care, but to help you live healthier and better as well. We put our heart into caring for yours.
Our lifestyle plays a pivotal role in our cardiovascular health. There are non-modifiable risk factors such as family history and genetics – these cannot be changed.
However, there are also many other risk factors which you have control over. These are blood pressure, smoking, cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and diet.
The more risk factors you have, the higher the chances of having heart disease. Therefore, it is never too late to begin living a healthier lifestyle.
In the event your cardiologist suspects a problem – such as coronary artery disease or defective heart valves – they may refer you to a cardiac catheterisation laboratory to undergo a procedure known as a coronary angiogram or cardiac catheterisation.
It is a procedure that will allow your doctor to evaluate your heart function. Your cardiologist will insert a thin, flexible tube (known as a catheter) into a blood vessel via your arm or leg. The catheter is then guided towards the heart.
A special dye is then injected into the catheter. The dye is visible in X-rays and will show any narrowing or blockages in the coronary arteries. You will be awake during this procedure that usually takes less than an hour. Once completed, the catheter will be removed, and a nurse or technician will apply pressure on the area of insertion for about 20 minutes.
At Pantai Hospital Ampang, we have the latest technology that reduces the radiation emitted during the procedure and is able to enhance image quality. Our cardiac catheterisation laboratory operates 24/7.
Before your cardiac catheterisation, you will be required to undergo several routine tests. These include an electrocardiogram, blood test, and a chest X-ray. Your cardiologist will also provide you with a set of instructions, which you must adhere to strictly to ensure you are properly and safely prepared for your procedure.
Once your test results have been obtained, your cardiologist will discuss them with you. Should there be a problem or cause for concern, your doctor will map out all possible treatments.
Over the course of the next few days, you should avoid heavy lifting and only perform light activities. Do be aware that there may be a small bruise or lump at the insertion site. Rest assured that it should disappear within a few weeks.
If the results of your cardiac catheterisation show a blockage or narrowing of the coronary arteries, your cardiologist may decide on a balloon angioplasty or stent procedure.
In a balloon angioplasty procedure, a catheter with a small balloon at its tip is inserted and guided to the blocked site. The balloon tip is then inflated – compressing the plaque against the wall and widening the artery.
Meanwhile, a stent is a small metal mesh-like device. It is placed inside the coronary artery to prevent it from closing up again. Most patients who undergo balloon angioplasty will have a stent implanted at the same time.
If you have heart disease or have had a heart attack – your doctor may recommend you undergo cardiac rehabilitation.
Cardiac rehab involves exercise counselling and training; education about healthy living; and even counselling to reduce stress levels. It can help you build healthier habits and relieve symptoms such as chest pain.
The goal is to facilitate the healing process and better your heart’s strength and functions. To find out more, speak to the team of cardiologists.
Our cardiac catheterisation laboratory is open 24/7 with a full team of cardiologists, nurses, technicians, and radiographers on standby to handle emergency cases – such as patients with acute heart attacks.