A heart attack occurs when one of the coronary arteries that supply blood and oxygen to the heart gets blocked. This blockage is, more often than not, caused by a blood clot. This blood clot typically forms inside a coronary artery that has experienced atherosclerosis, which causes plaque to build up on the inside walls of blood vessels. When the plaque is ruptured, it causes clot formation and sudden worsening of the symptoms.

Given the fact that a heart attack can potentially be fatal, it is important for individuals to act immediately and seek emergency medical attention if they think they are experiencing any of the common symptoms of a heart attack.

Recognising the Symptoms of a Heart Attack Could Potentially Save Your Life

Identifying the symptoms of a heart attack at an early stage can help doctors to ascertain the appropriate treatment response. These symptoms include:

  1. Chest pain, which involves a stabbing, aching sensation in the centre of the chest that is persistent or worsens over time. It cannot be relieved by rest as well.
  2. Body weakness, light headedness or feeling faint
  3. Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or backs
  4. Typically the pain spreads to the left jaw, left shoulder or left arm
  5. Shortness of breath

What Should You Do During a Heart Attack?

The first step to getting the appropriate treatment for a heart attack is to call for emergency help. If access to emergency medical services is limited, it is advisable for individuals to seek the help of a neighbour, family member or friend to drive them to the nearest hospital instead.

If you have had a history of heart attack, your doctor may prescribe a daily low dose of aspirin to help prevent another episode of heart attack. An aspirin reduces further expansion of the blood clot in coronary vessel and reduces the amount of damage being done to the heart.

Prevention is Better than Cure

Get screened at Pantai Hospital Heart Centre. Our Heart Centre is fitted with the technology and medical equipment required to perform various non-invasive investigations, which include:

  1. An electrocardiogram (ECG), which records electrical activity in the heart to identify potential problems and determine a patient’s heart health. Learn more about the role of ECG in the treatment of cardiovascular problems.
  2. An echocardiography or stress echocardiography, which uses sound waves to produce live images to assess the health of a patient’s heart and heart valves
  3. Exercise stress testing, which is used to measure a patient’s response to external stresss
  4. 24-hour Holter (ECG) monitoring, which monitors electrical activity in the heart over a 24-hour period
  5. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is used to detect a heart condition through the use of medical imaging technology
  6. A nuclear cardiology (PET CT/MRI) scan, which helps to evaluate, diagnose and treat heart problems through the use of radioactive materials and medical imaging technology

Treatment for Heart Attacks and Other Cardiovascular Problems

At Pantai Hospital, we are committed towards the provision of holistic care, which encompasses prevention, early detection and treatment of cardiovascular problems like a heart attack. Our hospitals are also accredited by the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) for service quality excellence, thus solidifying our position as one of the most renowned facilities for cardiology treatment.

As a treatment facility that offers top-of-the-line cardiac care, our facility is led by highly experienced cardiologists who are capable of treating heart attacks using a number of different treatment modalities such as:

  1. A coronary artery bypass (performed by cardiothoracic surgeons), which is a surgical procedure that is performed to restore blood flow to an obstructed coronary artery
  2. A small catheter insertion procedure, which can help to restore blood flow to the heart
  3. A stent insertion procedure, which can help to prevent the artery from narrowing or closing
  4. Complex coronary stenting procedures, which are typically performed to treat patients who have previously undergone coronary artery bypass surgery

If you suspect that you may be at risk of a heart attack, do not hesitate to contact our Heart Centre at Pantai Hospital to schedule an appointment today. 


  1. 1. Low-dose aspirin, NHS UK. Accessed Nov 03, 2021 from https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/low-dose-aspirin/

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